Frequent questions
How much space does CapCut for Windows take up?
CapCut for Windows takes up 454 MB, although this can vary depending on the version of the file you download.
Do I need an emulator to use CapCut on Windows?
No, you do not need an emulator to use CapCut on Windows. You can download the file and install it without using third party programs.
Is CapCut for Windows a secure program?
Yes, CapCut for Windows is a secure program. If you want to make sure, you can check the VirusTotal report that freedown offers for all its files.
Does CapCut put a watermark on videos?
Yes, CapCut puts a watermark on the videos you create. You can pay to remove it, or you can trim the video or template you use to remove it without spending money.
Is CapCut owned by Tik Tok?
CapCut is owned by the same company as Tik Tok, Bytedance Pte. Ltd., so it's primarily an editor for this app, although you can also use it to create and edit videos for other platforms.
Is CapCut free?
Yes, CapCut is a free PC application, although you'll have to pay to use some special features. But don't worry: CapCut has many tools that you can use for free.
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